Today, I thank God for…

What do you thank God for today?? Try to make a list of at least 25 things you want to thank God for today. I guarantee you, once you start your list, you’ll go on and on and will find out how much more grateful you are.

Today, my list is:

I thank my God :

1. For sustaining me in my sleep and letting me wake up again.

2. For the gift of sight.

3. For the gift of speech.

4. For the gift of hearing.

5. I could get out of bed this morning and stand on my own legs, walk, run, etc.

6. My back pain is gone. 🙂

7. I could kiss my mommy good morning.

8. I have a phone working to keep in touch with all my loved ones from afar.

9. I could call my little bro to wish him a happy birthday!

10. My brother is 22 years old today! THANK GOD for one more day, one more year for my baby. Love him.

11. I spent a lovely time with my mommy watching a movie.

12. I have a home.

13. I have a desk I can sit at and type on my computer.

14. I thank God for the air that I breathe. I can breathe on my own as well.

15. I have food in the kitchen.

16. Electricity.

17. Clean, purified water. So many people don’t have clean water… this is such a blessing to have.

18. I can read. 30-40% of Honduras’ population can’t read or write. 😦

19. I thank God for my computer, being able to listen to worship music on it, use the Internet for His glory.

20. I thank God for my Bible! 🙂 It’s in English and I enjoy reading it sooo much more in English.

21. I can speak English! And Spanish! And shway Arabic! 🙂

22. I thank God for my awesome friends (some I’ve never even met yet) and family. 🙂

23. I thank God for my health and the health of all my loved ones.

24. For letting me know He is always with me.

25. I thank God for the life of Danny. Always.

26. I can chew and eat my food. So many people are chained to hospital beds and can’t even eat by themselves.

27. For ice.. yumm.

28. For running water!

29. For all of my clothing.

30. For my bed.

31. For holding Luis and Danny in His arms now… no weeping, no pain, no more cancer, no more suffering.

32. For having all the needed hygiene supplies many people lack.

33. For all the memories I have with my friends who’ve  passed away.

34. I can smile! And laugh! And cry! And feel!

35. For my stove, where I could cook my yummy tilapia and shrimp today. 🙂

36. I thank God for my Faith.

37. For reminding me that I am loved.

38. For my US visa 🙂 and for my ticket to Texas in august. For if it’s His will, I will be able to visit and meet my champion’s family in Houston, and also attend my little brother’s graduation at Texas A&M! 🙂

39. For the sun, the skies, the beautiful views, His lovely and awesome creation.

40. For my kiddos, for they have taught me more than I could ever teach them. (Project NewHope)

41. For coffeeeeeeee hehe

42. I could go on forever. I thank GOD for saving me. Every day.

Let’s remember that we’re here because of Him. Everything we have is His, all of our joys and sorrows, our gifts and losses, our possessions, etc. Let’s not take anything for granted anymore. Let’s give thanks for even the smallest things we usually forget to give thanks for. The fact that you’re able to read this today is a blessing in itself. You can read! So many people would give anything to be able to learn how to read. Think about this.

I thank God for TODAY.     How about you??          Will you thank your Savior today? 

Be blessed. ❤

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